Wednesday 1 May 2013

35 Weeks

Little baby has been growing a lot and I have been eating lots. Mandarins and apples have been my favourite snack this week. I've also been quite thirsty so I've been drinking lots of raspberry leaf tea and water. Mornings have been challenging the past few days, at the moment I've been having loads of Braxton Hicks contractions while trying to make India's lunch and get her ready for school. Dave's been really helpful which makes it a whole lot easier.

I've been noticing the roundness of my belly when I see my reflection in a window or mirror, I'm beginning to wonder how my belly can be the size that it is. Surprisingly I don't feel cumbersome or big, getting up from sitting on the floor (which I do a lot of) is becoming harder and makes me feel a little awkward but other than that I still manage to get around most of the time without feeling like I'm huge (which is probably why I'm so awestruck by the size of my belly when I see my reflection!).

It's amazing how your mind and body know that the birth is nearing, not by checking the calender but by instinct. If we relied on instinct a lot more there would be so much less problems surrounding pregnancy and birth.

Mary says that the baby's head is not fully engaged yet but that's normal for a second and in reality that doesn't need to happen until labour starts.

Our little one is about 2.4kg and 45cm long- not far off normal birth weight and height now. The kidneys are fully developed and the liver can process some waste. This beautiful baby is nearly ready for the world!

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