Wednesday 27 March 2013

30 Weeks

This week I celebrated 1 year without alcohol, caffeine or pharmaceutical drugs. One year ago Dave and I decided that we were ready to begin preconception care in preparation for bringing another person into this world. Dave went 6 months without alcohol, caffeine or pharmaceutical drugs and only reintroduced them after finding out I was pregnant. I am so proud of his dedication to preconception care and to the life of this new little person we are growing. I know I'm doing our baby and myself the world of good by sticking with a healthy diet and lifestyle and I'm happy that I have a family that supports me through it all.

I tire more easily now but I still manage to practice yoga every day and keep up with all the other  things in life that I need to keep on top of. I never have any aches or pains which I'm sure is because of my healthy diet and daily yoga practice so at 30 weeks everything is going along well.

I feel the baby hiccup more often now and get feet and hands poked in all kinds of places. I love feeling the baby move around and I always make sure I give my belly a nice rub when I feel a bottom or a foot poking out. The baby's digestive tract is fully functional now and his/her eye sight is developing slowly.  

Yoni Mudra

Yoni means womb and Mudra means gesture. Performing Yoni Mudra during meditation assists you in becoming familiar with your body's inner workings and achieving inner peace. Meditation is great preparation for labour and motherhood, even just a few minutes a day will help centre you and calm your busy mind. Here's a link with some more information 

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