Wednesday 28 November 2012

13 Weeks

I've been waking up feeling great in the mornings but as the day goes on I've been feeling a bit icky. I was wondering what on earth is wrong with me and then realised that it's probably just the tail end of this morning sickness thing. I haven't been to the Chinese doctor in over 3 weeks so the effect of the acupuncture has probably worn off and I'm feeling a little bit of the sickness again. On the days when I do nothing but eat all day (picnics are great for this) I feel great but I start to feel yuck if I forget to snack between meals. I still nap sometimes but not everyday.

Even though I still feel a bit yuck at times I've been busy doing lots of art and yoga. After the past couple of months of being too tired to read I've finally felt like picking up a book again.

My baby is about 7cms or so and has a working nervous system. Fingerprints are forming now as well as that lovely peach fuzz hair all over his/her body.

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